Jennifer Van Damsel

Name:Jennifer Van Damsel
Occupation:Cosplayer and model
Hometown:Houston, TX
About:I talk a lot. I drink a lot of coffee, I go on tangents forever; I am very forgetful (I future apologize for anything I forget! Please remind me haha). I get distracted easily and I'm sure there's about a million other things I could put here but, mostly I am VERY shy! It might not seem like it from the way I type but, it's true! I get so embarrassed trying to make cute or sexy videos!Okay, so I'm pretty much just a big nerd that loves pen and paper games, RPGs, "vidja" games, tabletop games, Magic the Gathering, movies, music, food, comics, cosplay, photography, art, rainbows, animals, glitter, goth, fashion, drama (in art, not people hahaha), just about everything. Mostly, I love to work, because my work is all of my passions put together!
Contact:website: jennifervandamsel.comfacebook: JenniferVanDamseltwitter: JennVanDamselinstagram: jennifervandamselyoutube: channel/UCs5fQ1zpYeO35CGH89BnDeA/twitch: jennifervandamselreddit: jennifervandamsel

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